Baby Patterns

Soakers Pattern #5294

Soakers No. 5294 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 3 balls (1 oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 6 (4¼ mm. size) … 1 yard of ribbon, ½ inch wide.

GAUGE: (Garter st) 5½ sts make 1 inch.

Sacque Pattern #5292

Sacque No. 5292 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 2 balls (¾ oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size) … 1¼ yards of ribbon, ¾ inch wide.

GAUGE: 7½ sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.

Shirt and Soakers Pattern #5291

Shirt and Soakers No. 5291 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 6 balls (¾ oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size) … 1½ yards of narrow ribbon … 2 small buttons.

GAUGE: 8 sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.


Surplice Sweater Pattern

Surplice Sweater Pattern

SIZES—1 (2).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 1, the second for size 2.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN HEAVEN SPUN 3 balls; small amount of yarn in contrasting color for embroid­ery; 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 3; 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 1; 4 small Pearl Buttons.

MEASUREMENTS—Chest 20 (21) inches; bottom to underarm 7 (8) inches; sleeves to underarm 7½ (8½) inches.

Baby Sacque Pattern

Baby Sacque Pattern

SIZE—3-6 Mos.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN HEAVEN SPUN 2 balls; 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 3; 1 pair steel Knitting Needles No. 12; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 4; 3 small pearl buttons.

MEASUREMENTS—Chest 20 inches; bottom to underarm 8 inches; sleeve to underarm 8½ inches.

GAUGE—7½ sts. = 1 inch. 11 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.

Soaker No. 2176 Pattern

Soaker No. 2176 Pattern


MATERIALS—SPINNERIN PILGRIM 2 skeins; 1 pair Knitting Nee­dles No. 3; 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 5.

GAUGE—6 sts. = 1 inch. 12 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.

PATTERN—Garter Stitch (knit every row). Waist Band—Ribbing of K2, P2.

Romper No. 2135 Pattern

Romper No. 2135 Pattern

SIZES—1 (2).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 1, the second for size 2.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN HEAVEN SPUN 4 (4) balls; 1 pair Knit­ting Needles No. 1; 1 pair Knitting Nee­dles No. 3; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 4; 13 small pearl buttons.

MEASUREMENTS—Chest 20 (21) inches; crotch to underarm 13 (13½) inches, sleeve to underarm 7 (8) inches.

Romper No. 2088 Pattern

Romper No. 2088 Pattern

SIZES—1 (2).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 1, the second for size 2.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN HEAVEN SPUN 4 (4) balls; 1 pair Knit­ting Needles No. 1; 1 pair Knitting Nee­dles No. 3; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 4; 13 small pearl buttons.

MEASUREMENTS—Chest 20 (21) inches, crotch to underarm 13 (13½) inches, sleeve to underarm 8 (8½) inches.

Soaker No. 2175 Pattern

Soaker No. 2175 Pattern


MATERIALS—SPINNERIN PILGRIM 2 skeins, 1 pair Knitting Nee­dles No. 3, 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 5.

GAUGE—6 sts. = 1 inch. 12 rows = l inch. Accurate gauge is essential.

PATTERN—Garter Stitch (knit every row). Waist Band—ribbing of K2, P2.

Baby Mitts No. 2150 Pattern

Baby Mitts No. 2150 Pattern


MATERIALS—SPINNERIN BABY WOOL 1 ball; small amount of contrast­ing yarn for embroidery; 1 set double point needles No. 12; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 3.

GAUGE—8½ sts. = 1 inch. 13 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.

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