Boy's Sleeveless Sweater Pattern #406

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8 to 9 year old

YARN: 8-ounces of 4-ply Knitting Worsted.
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #3 single pointed. 1-pr. #5 single pointed.

GAUGE: 5½ sts to an inch.

BACK: Using the #3 needles cast on 78 sts and work in ribbing of knit 2, purl 2, for 3 inches. Now change to the #5 needles and work as follows: PATTERN: ROW 1: K 12 sts, * p 2, k 8, p 2, k 8, repeat from * across row, ending with knit 12 sts. ROW 2: P 12 sts, * k 2, p 8, k 2, p 8, repeat from * across row, ending with p 12 sts. ROW 3: Repeat row 1. ROW 4: Repeat row 2. ROW 5: Repeat row 1. ROW 6: Repeat row 2. ROW 7: (Cable stitch row). K 12 sts, * p 2, slip the next 2 sts onto a dble pt needle and hold in BACK of the work, knit the next 2 sts, knit the 2 sts off the dble pt needle; slip the next 2 sts onto a dble pt needle and hold in FRONT of work, knit the next 2 sts, knit the 2 sts off the dble pt needle; p 2, k 8, repeat from * across row, ending with k 12 sts. ROW 8: P 12 sts, * k 2, p 8, k 2, p 8, repeat from * across row, ending with p 12 sts. Repeat these 3 rows for the pattern. Work even in the pattern until the piece measures 10 inches or as long as you want to the underarm. UNDERARM SHAPING: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, (once at each side). Decrease 1 stitch at each side of the work every other row 5 times. Now work even until the armhole measures 6½ inches above the underarm. SHOULDERS: Bind off 7 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Change to the #3 needles and on the remaining sts work in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for ¾ inches. Bind off loosely, knitting the k sts; purling the p sts.

FRONT: Work exactly as the back up to the underarm. UNDERARM SHAPING: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, (once at each side). Decrease 1st at each side of the work every other row 5 times. Then on the next row, from the right side of the work start the V-NECK SHAPING: Work over one half of the sts, (27); place the remaining 27 sts onto a stitch holder. Working on the first half keeping the pattern, decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge every other row 13 times. When the armhole measures 6½ inches above the underarm start the SHOULDER SHAPING: From the armhole edge bind off 7 sts twice. Break yarn. Tie yarn at the other half of the sts, and place back onto the needle, work to correspond to the first half.

NECK BAND: With the #3 needles, working from the right side of the work, pick up and knit 43 sts from the left shoulder down to the center of the neck; mark the center with a colored thread; pick up and knit 43 sts from center to right shoulder. NEXT ROW: Work across row, in ribbing of k 2, p 2. NEXT ROW: Decrease 1 stitch at each side of the colored thread, while doing the ribbing. Repeat this row every other time. Do ribbing for ¾ inches. Bind off knitting the k sts; purling the purl sts. Sew the shoulders.

ARMHOLE BANDS: With the right side of the work facing you, pick up and knit 96 sts from one end of the armhole to the other. Work in ribbing k 2, p 2 for ¾ inches. Bind off as on the neck bands. Sew the underarm seams.