Boy's Cable Pullover Pattern | Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12

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Boy's Cable Pullover Pattern

These instructions have been tested for accuracy, tension and size with P & B Superior Double Knitting, Patonised. By being careful to use this wool, you can be sure you will obtain the same satisfactory results. You will need: 8 ozs. (8 yrs.—10 ozs.) (10 and 12 yrs.—12 ozs.). Two No. 10 and two No. 8 Queen Bee Knitting Needles. Set of 4 No. 10 Queen Bee Knitting Needles (points at both ends). Two Stitch Holders.

6 yrs.
8 yrs.
10 yrs.
12 yrs.
Width all round at underarm
24 ins.
26 ins.
28 ins.
30 ins.
Length from top of shoulder
15 ins.
16 ins.
17 ins.
18 ins.
Length of sleeve underarm seam
13 ins.
14 ins.
15 ins.
16 ins.

Tension: 5 sts. = 1 inch and 15 rows = 2 ins. with No. 8 needles.
For correct size, be sure to work to this tension with the wool recommended.
The instructions are written for size 6 yrs. Any changes necessary for sizes 8, 10 and 12 yrs. are written in brackets thus:—( ).

TO MAKE THE "TWIST": Slip next 3 sts. onto a needle with points at both ends, letting this needle fall to back of work. Knit next 3 sts. Bring the 3 sts. forward and knit them.

FRONT: With No. 10 needles cast on 62 sts. (8 yrs—68 sts.) (10 yrs.—72 sts.) (12 yrs—78 sts.).
Before proceeding with these instructions, please read the "Im­portant Information" paragraph on patternbook page, regarding size of the garment you wish to knit.
Work 2½ ins. (8 yrs.—2½ ins.) (10 and 12 yrs.—3 ins.) ribbing (K1. P1).
Change to No. 8 needles and proceed:—
1st row: K10 (8 yrs.—K13) (10 yrs.—K15) (12 yrs.—K18). P2. (K6. P2) 5 times, (all sizes). Knit to end of row.
2nd row: P10. (8 yrs.—P13) (10 yrs.—P15) (12 yrs.—P18). K2. (P6. K2) 5 times, (all sizes). Purl to end of row.
Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows 3 times.
9th row: K10. (8 yrs.—K13) (10 yrs.—K15) (12 yrs.—K18). P2. Twist. P2. K6. P2. Twist. P2. K6. P2. Twist. P2. Knit to end of row.
10th row: As 2nd row. These 10 rows complete one pattern.
Continue even in pattern until work from beginning measures 10 ins. (8 yrs.—10½ ins.) (10 yrs.—11 ins.) (12 yrs.—12½ ins.) or desired length, ending with purl row.

To shape armholes: Keeping continuity of pattern cast off 3 sts. (8 and 10 yrs.—4 sts.) (12 yrs.—5 sts.) beginning next 2 rows, then dec. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every follow­ing alternate row to 46 sts. on needle. (8 yrs.—50 sts.) (10 yrs.—52 sts.) (12 yrs.—54 sts.).
Continue even in pattern until armhole from first shaping mea­sures 3½ ins. (8 yrs.—4 ins.) (10 and 12 yrs.—4½ ins.) ending with purl row.

To shape neck:. Work 14 sts. (8 and 10 yrs.—15 sts.) (12 yrs.—16 sts.) in pattern. Turn. Leave remaining sts. on spare needle. Continue even in pattern until armhole from first shaping measures 5 ins. (8 yrs.—5½ ins.) (10 yrs.—6 ins.) (12 yrs.—6½ ins.).

To shape shoulder: Keeping continuity of pattern, at armhole edge cast off 7 sts. (8 and 10 yrs.—7 sts.) (12 yrs.—8 sts.) once, then 7 sts. (8, 10 and 12 yrs.—8 sts.) on following alternate row.
Leaving next 18 sts. (8 yrs.—20 sts.) (10 and 12 yrs.—22 sts.) on st. holder, join wool at neck edge to remaining 14 sts. (8 and 10 yrs.—15 sts.) (12 yrs.—16 sts.) and work to correspond to other side.

BACK: Work exactly as given for Front.

COLLAR: Sew shoulder seams. Using the set of 4 needles and dividing sts. on 3 needles as sts. are picked up, with right side of work facing, join wool to sts. on one st. holder. Knit these sts. and pick up and knit 18 sts. (8 yrs.—19 sts.) (10 yrs.—20 sts.) (12 yrs.—21 sts.) along one side of neck. Knit across sts. from other st. holder. Pick up and knit 18 sts. (8 yrs.—19 sts.) (10 yrs.—20 sts.) (12 yrs.—21 sts.) along other side of neck.
Join in round and work 4 ins. (8 yrs.—4½ ins.) (10 and 12 yrs.—5 ins.) ribbing (K1. P1). Cast off loosely in ribbing.

SLEEVES: With No. 10 needles cast on 34 sts. (8 yrs.—36 sts.) (10 yrs.—38 ts.) (12 yrs—40 sts.).
Work 2½ ins. (8 yrs.—2½ ins.) (10 and 12 yrs.—3 ins.) ribbing (K1. P1).
Change to No. 8 needles and proceed:—
1st row: K12. (8 yrs.—K13) (10 yrs.—K14) (12 yrs.—K15). P2. K6. P2. Knit to end of row.
2nd row: P12. (8 yrs.—P13) (10 yrs.—P14) (12 yrs.—P15). K2. P6. K2. Purl to end of row. Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows 3 times.
9th row: K12. (8 yrs.—K13) (10 yrs.—K14) (12 yrs.—K15). P2. Twist. P2. Knit to end of row.
10th row: As 2nd row.
These 10 rows complete one pattern for sleeves. Continue in pattern inc. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every following 6th row to 50 sts. on needle. (8 yrs.—54 sts.) (10 yrs.—58 sts.) (12 yrs.—62 sts.) working increased sts. in Stocking st.
Continue even in pattern until sleeve from beginning measures 13 ins. (8 yrs.—14 ins.) (10 yrs.—15 ins.) (12 yrs.—16 ins.) or desired length, ending with purl row.

To shape cap: *Keeping continuity of pattern cast off 2 sts. beginning next 2 rows, then 1. st. beginning following 2 rows.* Repeat from * to * to 14 sts. on needle. (8 yrs.—12 sts.) (10 yrs.—16 sts.) (12 yrs.—14 sts.). Cast off remaining sts.

TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.