Jacket with Hood Pattern

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Jacket with Hood Pattern

Directions are for 1-year size. Changes for 2 years are in paren­theses.

NOMOTTA Mothproof Germantown Zephyr (matched dye-lots)
6 (7-7) 1-oz skeins
1 pair needles size 5
steel crochet hook size 1
2 pearl buttons

GAUGE: 6 sts = 1 inch; 8 rows = 1 inch

PATTERN: On a multiple of 6 stitches.
ROW 1: (right side): P 1, *K 4, P 2; repeat from * end with K 4, P 1.
ROW 2: K 1, *P 4, K 2; repeat from * end last repeat with K l.
ROW 3: P 1, *place yarn in back of work, insert right-hand needle from front to back between 4th and 5th st on left-hand needle and draw up a loop, K the first 4 sts on left-hand needle then insert left-hand needle through the drawn-up loop and pull this loop over the K 4, P 2; repeat from * end last repeat with P 1.
ROW 4: Same as Row 2.
ROW 5: K 2, *P 2, P 4; repeat from * end last repeat with K 2.
ROW 6: P 2, *K 2, P 4; repeat from * end last repeat with P 2.
ROW 7: Draw up a loop between 2nd and 3rd st on left-hand needle. K first 2 sts, pull the drawn-up loop over the K 2, P next 2 sts on left-hand needle; repeat from * in Row 3 ending with drawing up a loop under left-handle needle after last st, K last 2 sts, pull the drawn-up loop over last 2 sts.
ROW 8: Same as Row 6.
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.

BACK: Cast on 72 (78) sts. Work in Pattern for 5 (5½) ins. Place a marker at each end to indicate start of sleeves.

Shape Sleeves: Keeping to established pattern, increase 1 stitch at each end every other row 5 times; cast on 31 sts at beginning of next 2 rows; 144 (150) sts. Work straight until sleeve edge measures 3¼ (3½) ins straight up from cast-on sts.

Shape Shoulders: Bind off 12 sts at beginning of next 8 rows; 14 (16) sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Slip remaining 20 (22) sts on a holder for back of neck.

LEFT FRONT: Cast on 36 (42) sts. Work in Pattern same as back to sleeves.

Shape Sleeve: Increase 1 stitch at side edge every other row 5 times; cast on 31 sts at same edge; 72 (78) sts. Work straight until sleeve edge measures same as back to shoulder.

Shape Neck and Shoulder: Bind off 12 sts at sleeve edge every other row 4 times; 14 (16) sts once; at the same time, when starting 3rd shoulder bind-off, at beginning of neck edge, bind off 6 (8) sts once; 2 (3) sts twice.

Work Right Front to correspond. Sew up shoulders from neck edge for 1 inch.

HOOD: (neckband): With right side toward you, pick up and knit 13 (15) sts. across right front, work across the 20 (22) sts on holder, pick up and K 13 (15) sts across left front; now, cast on 6 sts at end of needle, knit back and cast on 6 sts at end of row; 58 (64) sts. Knit 2 rows, end at right front. Next row, work 2 Buttonholes as follows: K 2, bind off next 2 sts, work 4 sts, bind off 2 sts, knit to end of row. On next row, cast on 2 sts over the bound-off sts. Knit 3 more rows (4 ridges). Bind off 12 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Next row, work in Pattern increasing across first row as fol­lows: Increase 1 stitch in each of the first and last 9 (15) sts, increase 2 sts in each of the center 16 (10) sts; 84 (90) sts. Continue in Pattern for 7 (7½) ins. Bind off (this is top edge of hood),

FINISHING: Press lightly and sew seams. On right side, work 1 row of sc around sleeves and around entire outside edge.