Knit & Crochet with Aunt Lydia's Heavy Rug Yarn | Star Book No. 218

Knit & Crochet with Heavy Rug Yarn | Star Book No. 218

Knit & Crochet with Heavy Rug Yarn
Star Book No. 218
The American Thread Co
No Original Copyright

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Patterns Included: 
Toy Elephant, Toy Duck, Loop Stitch Play Dress, Cut Loop Rug, Jim Fizz Bottle Cover, Doorknob Covers, Black and White Afghan and Rug, Novelty Bag, Toy Cat, Toy Puppy, Block Pillow and Rug, Lion Rug or Wall Hanging, Granny Afghan Pillow, Bathroom Deluxe Set, Pink Quickie Pillow, Flower Tote, Tissue Toppers, Let's Play Checkers Cuff Slipper.

* Bring needle through center of stitch from the wrong side to right side of work—see ill. A. Following the outline of the knit stitch above, draw the yarn across the back of the two strands of this stitch—see ill. A and B—return needle to the center of the same stitch—see ill. B—and draw yarn through. Repeat from * starting next stitch by bringing needle through center of stitch to be duplicated—see ill. C.



Original patterns suggested Aunt Lydia's Heavy Rug Yarn.

Try this substitute:

Caron Craft & Rug Yarn


chain ch
single crochet sc
short double crochet s d c
double crochet d c
treble crochet tr c
double treble crochet d tr c
treble treble crochet tr tr c
slip stitch sl st
stitch st
stitches sts
between bet
knit K
purl P
yarn over YO
increase inc
decrease dec
together tog
round rnd
pass slip st over p.s.s.o.

*(Asterisk) This symbol indicates that the instructions immedi­ately following are to be re­peated the given number of times plus the original.

**Are used in the same way.

Knitting Patterns: 
lets play checkers cuff slipper pattern