Moutonnet Imported Cashmere Blouse Pattern #3009

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Moutonnet Imported Cashmere Blouse Pattern

Size 14

1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.

Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.

Jack Frost Imported Cashmere—6 1-oz. Balls

BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 96 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 3, for 3 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 120 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work even in stockinette st. until piece measures 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then de­crease 1 st. at each end every other row 5 times. Work even until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 8 rows. On remain­ing sts., work even in seed st. for 1½ in. Bind off.

FRONT: With No. 2 Needles cast on 96 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 3, for 3 in. Change to No. 3 Needles, increasing to 131 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work even in stock­inette st. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 6 times. After the 3rd decrease has been made, start Seed st. point as follows: Starting on right side of garment, work over 54 sts., P. 1, work over remaining 54 sts. On next row, P. 52, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 52. Continue having 1 more seed st. on each side, and one less stockinette st. on each side, until the center 41 sts. are worked in seed st. (There will be 103 sts. on the needle). Then starting on right side of garment, K. 31, seed st. over the next 20 sts. Place on st.-holder. On remaining 52 sts., bind off 1 st., seed st. over the next 20 sts., K. 31. (51 sts. remaining). Work even on 51 sts., keeping 1st 20 sts. at front edge in seed st., until piece measures 7 in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of every other row 3 times, then bind off 7 sts. at shoulder edge once. On remaining sts., work in seed st. for 1½ in. Bind off. Work other side to correspond, omitting the center decrease. Sew shoulder seams.

SLEEVES: With No. 3 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of row. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until 130 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 4½ in. even. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 63 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in seed st. Pat. for 2 in. Bind off. Sew underarm and sleeve seams.