Bar Harbor Sweater, No. 731-2

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These directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 are in parentheses.


Columbia-Minerva Nylon and Wool Calibrette (2 oz skein) OR Columbia-Minerva Calibar (2 oz skein) - 11(12-13-14-15) skeins

Knitting Needles: 1 pair each of "Boye" Sizes 9 and 11 - 14 inch

1 "Boye" cable needle

Gauge: 3 sts to 1 inch, 4 rows to 1 inch (Size 11 needles)

Width across Back at underarm 18"(19"-20"-21"-22")
Width across Back above armhole shaping 13 ¼"(14 ¼"-15 ¼"-16 ¼" -17 ¼")
Width across Each Front at underarm (including Front Border) 12 ¼"(13"-13 ¾"-14 ¼ "-15")
Length from back of neck to start (excluding Border) 21 ½"(22"-22 ½"-23"-23 ½")
Width across Sleeve at upperarm 14"(14 ¾"-15 ¼"-16"-16 ¾")

BACK: With Size 9 needles cast on 52(55-58-61-64) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 10 rows, inc 1 st each side on last row - 54(57-60-63-66) sts on needle. Change to Size 11 needles and work in pattern st as follows: Row 1 - K. Row 2 - * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across, ending 0(K 1-0-K 1-0). Row 3 - K. Row 4 - * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across, ending 0(P 1-0-P 1-0). Repeat these 4 rows for pattern st. Work even until work measures 13 ½"(14"-14"-14 ½"-14 ½") or desired length from start to underarm. To Shape Armholes: Bind off 3 sts at beg of each of the next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row 4 times - 40 (43-46-49-52) sts on needle. Work even until armholes measure 8"(8"-8 ½"-8 ½"-9"), measured straight from bound-off sts at underarm. To Shape Neck and Shoulders: Work 12(13-14-15-16) sts, sl these sts onto st holder, bind off center 16(17-18-19-20) sts for back of neck and on remaining sts work Left Side as follows: Bind off 4(4-4-5-5) sts at armhole edge every other row 3(2-1-3-2) times, then bind off 0(5-5-0-6) sts at same edge every other row 0(1-2-0-1) times. Work Right Side to correspond.

POCKET FACINGS: (Make 2) With Size 11 needles cast on 17 sts. Work in stockinette st for 2 inches, ending on right side of work. Sl sts onto st holder.

LEFT FRONT: With Size 9 needles cast on 36(38-40-42-44) sts. Work ribbing and front border as follows: Row 1 - * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across to last 10 sts, P 2, K 6, P 2 (front border). Row 2 - K 2, P 6, K 2, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Rows 3 and 4 - Same as Rows 1 and 2. Row 5 - Work in ribbing to last 10 sts, P 2, sl next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K next 3 sts, then K the 3 sts from cable needle, P 2. Row 6 - Same as Row 2. Rows 7 through 10 - Same as Rows 1 and 2, inc 1 st at side edge on Row 10. Change to Size 11 needles and work pattern st and front border as follows: Row 1 - K to last 10 sts, work Row 1 of front border. Row 2 - Work Row 2 of front border across first 10 sts, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across row. Row 3 - Same as Row 1. Row 4 - Work Row 2 of front border across first 10 sts, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Continuing to repeat the 10 rows of cable pattern for front border, work remaining sts in pattern st in this manner. When work measures 2 inches above ribbing, ending on wrong side of work, work pocket opening as follows: Work across 19(19-19-20-20) sts, sl last 15 sts of these sts onto st holder (to be worked later for pocket border), work to end of row. Next row work to pocket opening, work across the wrong side of 1 pocket facing in pattern st, dec'ing 1 st at each side of facing, work to end of row. When work measures same as Back to underarm, To Shape Armhole: Bind off 4 sts at side edge, then dec 1 st at same edge every other row 2(3-4-5-6) times and AT THE SAME TIME, To Shape Neck: (Right side of work) Work across to last 12 sts, work 2 sts tog, then work front border. Continue to dec 1 st inside front border in this manner every 4th row 8 times more. When armhole measures same as at Back, To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 4(4-4-5-5) sts at armhole edge every other row 3(2-1-3-2) times, then bind off 0(5-5-0-6) sts every other row 0(1-2-0-1) times. On remaining 10 sts of front border work even for 3"(3"-3 ¼"-3 ¼"-3 ½") or until long enough to fit neck edge to center back of neck. Bind off or sl sts onto st holder to be woven later.

RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, having incs, decs and front border at opposite sides and working buttonholes on Rows 9 and 10 of cable pattern as follows: (Right side of work) P 2, K 3, yo, K 3, P 2. On next row K 2, P 3, P the yo and next st tog, P 2, K 2. Work 6 more buttonholes in same manner.

SLEEVES: With Size 9 needles cast on 26(26-28-28-30) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 3 inches, inc 1 st each side on last row. Change to Size 11 needles and work in pattern st, inc 1 st each side every 6th row 7(5-5-3-3) times, then inc 1 st each side every 4th row 0(3-3-6-6) times - 42(44-46-48-50) sts on needle. When work measures 17"(17"-17"-17 ½"-17 ½") or desired length from start to underarm, To Shape Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 3 sts at beg of each of the next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row until 20(22-24-26-26) sts remain. Bind off 2 sts at beg of each of the next 6(6-8-8-8) rows. Bind off remaining sts.

RIBBING FOR POCKETS: Sl sts from st holder onto Size 9 needles and work in ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 8 rows. Bind off in ribbing.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew Sleeves in place. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Weave or sew sts of cable border tog at back of neck, then sew to neck edge. Turn under the 2 P sts at front edges and sew, leaving the cable as front edge. Sew pocket facings and ribbing of pockets in place.

Other great patterns from Quick Knit Sweaters, Columbia Minerva Volume 731:

Knitting Patterns

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Bar Harbor Sweater
Saratoga Sweater
Hampton Sweater
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Jamaica Sweater
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