Hat & Miser Purse Patterns

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Hat & Miser Purse Patterns

BERNAT Nylo Sports (2 oz. balls) — 2 Main Color (M C)
BERNAT Meadowspun (1 oz. pull skeins) — 1 Color A
BERNAT Bob-o-Meadowspun (20 yd. cards) — 1 Color B; 2 Color C
2 metal rings 1¼ inch diameter

GAUGE: 9 sts = 1 inch; 10 rows = 1 inch in rib pattern
7 sts = 1 inch; 10 rows = 1 inch in stocki­nette st


Using M C, cast on 144 sts. Working in BACK LOOP of EVERY K st, K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 5 rows. SHAPE EARLAP: SHORT ROWS: Row 1: Work in ribbing for 37 sts, turn. Row 2: Work 5 sts, turn. Row 3: Work 7 sts, turn. Row 4: Work 9 sts, turn. Continue in this manner to work 2 sts more on EVERY ROW until there are 41 sts in last short row, turn. Work in ribbing for 98 sts, turn. Work 5 sts, turn. Work earlap in same manner as before until there are 41 sts on last short row, turn. Work to end of needle. Work in ribbing on 144 sts until piece measures 6 inches, at beg of row. Break off M C. Join Color A and K 1 row, P 1 row. SHAPE TOP: Following Chart A, work design in stocki­nette st as follows: Row 1: * K 14 sts in design, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row. Row 2: * P 15 sts in design, repeat from * across row. Row 3: * K 13 sts in design, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row. Row 4: * P 14 sts in design, re­peat from * across row. Continue in this manner to dec 9 sts in a row every other row, having 1 st less between de­creases on every dec row, until Chart A is completed. Break off Colors B and C. Using Color A, continue to dec 9 sts every other row until 9 sts remain. Break off, leaving a 14 inch end. Draw end through all sts on needle and pull up tightly. Sew seam.

FINISHING: Sew back seam. Fold under M C piece to form a one inch tuck at top. Block. Using Color C, make a pom­pon and sew to center top of hat.


LINING: Using M C, cast on 35 sts. Work even in stockinette st for 5 inches. Then work in K 1, P 1 ribbing until piece measures 7 inches. OPENING: Work ribbing for 17 sts, join another ball of yarn and bind off center st, work to end of row. Work even in ribbing on both sides at once until piece measures 15 inches. On next row work 17 sts, cast on 1 st, using same ball of yarn, work to end of row. Continue in ribbing on all 35 sts until piece measures 2 inches above opening. Work even in stockinette st for 3½ inches. Continue in stockinette st, dec 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW until 3 sts remain. Bind off.

OUTER PIECE: Using Color A, cast on 35 sts. Following Chart B, work design in stockinette st until chart is com­pleted. Join M C and K 1, P 1 in ribbing until piece meas­ures 17 inches, ending with a wrong side row. Break off M C. Join Color A and, following Chart C, work design in stockinette st until 36 rows of chart have been completed. Still following Chart C, dec 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW until 3 sts remain. Bind off.

FINISHING: Sew outer piece and lining tog. FRINGE: Using Color A, cut strands 7 inches long. Knot 2 strands in each st on both ends. Steam. Trim fringe. Use rings to close upper and lower pockets.

Hat & Miser Purse Patterns chart 1
Hat & Miser Purse Patterns chart 2
Hat & Miser Purse Patterns chart 3